Additional Resources:
East Sumner Congregational Church
50 Main Street
Sumner, ME 04292
(207) 388 - 2610
Sumner Food Bank
The Sumner Food Bank is hosted at the East Sumner Congregational Church and is open for customers every 1st and 3rd Monday, 9 AM to 12 PM.
Please register for Sumner Food Bank services by completing and submitting the form.
Sumner Food Bank Registration Form
Through a partnership with Good Shepherd Food Bank (GSFB) and Wayside Food Programs, the Sumner Food Bank is able to offer access to the USDA Commodity Supplemental Food Program (CSFP), also known as the Senior Citizen Program.
If you are 60 years of age or older, you are eligible for the CSFP program, which provides to you a box each month via the food bank. We encourage you to read the application and if it applies, download it, fill the form out and bring it to us.
Please send in your shopping list via email to esumnercc@gmail.com, no later than the Friday prior to the Monday of Food Bank.
Please note: If you are unable to come on the normal Monday opening, notify the food bank via email at esumnercc@gmail.com for a tailored time.
Food Bank Service is also available for emergencies. Contact the food bank via email at esumnercc@gmail.com.
Food availability may change from distribution day to distribution day. As a result, a substitution may be made to your request. Requests are always filled based upon inventory and household size. Those eligible for CSFP are encouraged to apply.
For additional questions or more information regarding the Sumner Food Bank, please contact the Sumner Town Office