Planning Board Meeting Minutes:
For additional meeting minutes, please contact the Sumner Town Office.
Additional Resources:
Planning Board Ordinance
Planning Board
The Planning Board meetings are held at the Town Office the first and third Tuesday of the month at 6:00 PM.
If you would like to receive Planning Board Agendas and Minutes please contact the Sumner Town Office.
About the Planning Board
The Planning Board is made up of five people who each hold one vote. The planning board is responsible for the oversight, review and determination of zoning issues, building notifications, subdivision permitting, and community development.
Board Members:
Jeffrey Coombe - Chair
(207) 388-2866
Marcia Turcotte
(207) 388-2866
Curtis Gosselin
(207) 388-2866
Nicholas Interbartolo
(207) 388-2866
Paul Vertefeuille
(207) 388-2866
One Alternate
Building Notification
1. Download, print, and completely fill out the Building Notification Packet.
2. Include copies of all supporting documentation as necessary, along with the required fee (check written to Town of Sumner; cash, or debit/credit cards are also accepted.)
3. Return documents to the Sumner Town Office or mail them to:
ATTN: Planning Board
Town of Sumner
633 Main Street
Sumner, ME 04292
All building notifications must be submitted by the Tuesday prior to the next Planning Board meeting
For additional questions or more information regarding the Planning Board functions and services, please contact the Sumner Town Office